Adept Play
An apocalyptic science fiction game by Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker, published by their company Lumpley Games in 2009.
How do you deal with a player that doesn’t pay much attention to her resources when playing? In Apocalypse World, I have 2 players, one of them (Mauro) pays a lot of attention to the rules and moves at their disposal. The other one (Ile) not so much, she rarely remembers her advanced moves. In last…
Zac has not retreated from his call that IIEE (intent, initiation, execution, effect) is the “beating heart of the activity,” and Manu – the very soul who prompted this discussion at the Forge fifteen years ago – is still on task. Armed with these stalwarts, we embark upon another Monday Lab to investigate best practices.…
This post is about our experience with Blades in the Dark. The cool things, the problems we run with and the dialectics with the player's psychology. Prelude So, I got a bunch of old roleplaying friends. One of them is working in a public game library, I don't know if it exists in other countries,…
I’ve been working up a Design curriculum for role-playing for a long while, so when Justin Nichols approached me for a game design discussion that leaned toward mentoring, I accepted without reservation. At the beginning of this episode, we considered our options for the initial approach, and Justin preferred the “lab” version in which we…
Here’s one of the two workshops I presented at Lucca. It was prompted by two short videos I posted here in the past few months: The role of the roll and Emergent plot techniques, which have led me to a generally larger argument. The main point is that, there are two primary ways to play…