Adept Play
Controlling plot at the table by shifting and re-defining content in front of whatever the other players do, in order to create an illusion that their decisions matter; also called “Gromit railroading.” Discussion here exposes this behavior and examines its widespread presence in the hobby.
So, a third game I ran at Big Bad Con was Locus. Locus has intrigued me for a while because it plays around in the Silent Hill inspired space that I enjoy so much. It is definitely a passion project built by someone who I genuinely believe played it a lot. In this instance, I…
This set of questions spans a wide range: some Forge and Story Games history, using traits or rules involving “Destiny” without railroading toward a specific thing, and plenty of resolution-type topics regarding how characters fight. Here’s the file summarizing our discussion at the Patreon. As always, I’m hoping for continuance and more development here.
Amber was mentioned on the Discord today. I played a lot of Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game (1991) right after it was released. It was our favorite and most played game for two years, and even after that we would look back to those sessions as the high points of our gaming from this era (our…
This is a joint post for the fourth and upcoming fifth sessions of both Väsen and Godsend Agenda. The first is being played very much rules-as-written with a published scenario, and the second is very much the GM’s personal version of the game, somewhat different from Jerry’s (the author; the game is in development). The…
It’s been a while, but the new Discord functions are serving my needs to renew Monday Labs! To review the concept, these are discussion topics which patrons (any level) can participate in. They used to be organized beforehand at the Patreon itself, but that was a little clunky – now, at the Adept Play Discord…
Ok, so here’s what I’ve been doing in my D&D campaign. I’m putting it here because I want to contrast it with the Star Wars game, looking for deeper understanding and analysis. Anyway, the basic setting is that the world is currently ruled by a decadent, decaying Elven Empire, where humans are the main slave…
Ok, so I wanted to report on a couple of gaming experiences, looking for any interesting analysis and observations from y’all, and particularly with an eye towards understanding the difference between intuitive continuity and bangs. The first game I want to describe is a session of Star Wars: Dark Times, which for rules uses my…
Here’s one of the two workshops I presented at Lucca. It was prompted by two short videos I posted here in the past few months: The role of the roll and Emergent plot techniques, which have led me to a generally larger argument. The main point is that, there are two primary ways to play…