Local play and activities

Spelens Hus i Norrköping

Here is where I play! This is an informal gathering, not a club. There are no fees or registration. Anyone can organize a game to play and anyone may choose to participate or not. As games finish, we organize and schedule new ones.

We meet at these times:
tisdag 19:00-21:30
onsdag 16:00-18:00
onsdag 19:00-21:30

Location: Slottsgatan 133, Norrköping

We organize games and scheduling on Discord. To participate, please contact me there [ronedwards] and I’ll authorize you to use the Spelens Hus channel. To organize and schedule a game, contact Daniel [UncleHoe].


Närcon 2024

I will be there with Spelens Hus, including workshops introducing role-playing and concerning character death (25-28 juli).

Lincon 2024

… finished! I played Circle of Hands and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (9-12 maj)

Gothcon 2024

… finished! I played Dreams of Fire and Fantasy for Real, and presented a workshop called “No, Not Blackleaf!” about character death (29-31 mars)

Cnema Film & Gaming Weekend

… finished! A focused introduction to play-in-action with participation and materials to take home. (Kungsgatan 56 i Norrköping, 16-17 mars, 13:00-2:00)

Spelens Hus presentation

… finished! An informal gathering of Spelens Hus activities and games (Mirum Galleria, 2nd floor, 13 januari, 11:00-17:00)

Hageby Bibliotek 2023

… finished! For their new Rollspel & Manga program, where I will begin leading workshops and activities regularly (Hageby Bibliotek, 17 november)

Kulturnatten 2023

… finished! I presented role-playing games in development and lead activities to demonstrate and facilitate playful, effective design. (Norrköping, 29 september – 1 oktober)

Augustifesten 2023

… finished! At Spelens Hus, I presented introductory activities about role-playing, including an introductory version of The Pool.

Närcon 2023

… finished! In association with Spelens Hus, I presented three workshops about magical fantasy, 50 years of role-playing, and role-playing design. As a team, several of us also played Inspectres, The Pool, and Zombie Cinema as introductory experiences.

Lincon 2023

… finished! I presented a critique of hobby culture and played Darkurthe Legends and Spione.

Gothcon 2023

… finished! I presented some thoughts on role-playing as a medium, ran a workshop about fantasy and early role-playing games, and played Circle of Hands and Khaotic.