Adept Play
A horror game by Sandy Petersen, first published by Chaosium in 1981.
What is this? Our group has been playing together for a bit. Some for 100+ games, some for 10+ games. We love Call of Cthulhu, “play to find out what happens” games (Apocalypse World derivatives) and GM-less games (Microscope, Fiasco, Desperation). We don’t love scenario-based adventures only, and we tend to play with the GM…
IN SHORT… Tristan Lhomme is a well-known RPG name in France from the 80s and 90s. He massively contributed to the popularity of RPGs in the country by publishing excellent reviews, scenarios, supplements. We played one of the CoC scenarios that he wrote, “A quiet village”, and it really was a blast. # # #…
These are some very think-y questions! Including a lot about beasts and monsters. I want to clarify some things about my response to Sean. First, here are the three “roots” of critical hits in text. They’re not intended to be in order, as I think they were simultaneous at this scale of history: Here’s the…
This was at a small convention some years ago (between 3 and 6, I would say), in the middle of nowhere, Finland. The game master and the other players were all strangers to me. There was maybe three or four players. I went in to fill the table, anyways, as I did with Savage worlds…
It’s been a while, but the new Discord functions are serving my needs to renew Monday Labs! To review the concept, these are discussion topics which patrons (any level) can participate in. They used to be organized beforehand at the Patreon itself, but that was a little clunky – now, at the Adept Play Discord…
Zac has not retreated from his call that IIEE (intent, initiation, execution, effect) is the “beating heart of the activity,” and Manu – the very soul who prompted this discussion at the Forge fifteen years ago – is still on task. Armed with these stalwarts, we embark upon another Monday Lab to investigate best practices.…
Sometimes people email me with questions. Since I don’t know them, and don’t know the (sometimes) complicated process that led to them deciding to ask, I have to ask dense-seeming questions back in order to know what they’re talking about before I can answer anything, or know if I can answer at all. In this…
I cannot as yet summarize or eulogize or otherwise “state” my response to Greg’s death. It wasn’t that much of a surprise, yet was as hard as they all have been. He was a grandmaster of this activity we do, and he was my friend. This five-video discussion is more of a celebration of encountering…
Here’s one of the two workshops I presented at Lucca. It was prompted by two short videos I posted here in the past few months: The role of the roll and Emergent plot techniques, which have led me to a generally larger argument. The main point is that, there are two primary ways to play…