Adept Play
Monday Labs were recorded discussions held among members of the Patreon during 2018-2021, concerning various topics and concepts. They have been generally replaced by the Q&A series and by coursework.
Here’s a blessed event insofar as I can finally talk about role-playing content and procedures that are ordinarily kicked down the road. For me, Adept Play is a rousing success insofar as ideas can be introduced and resolved enough so that “next ideas” can actually be addressed, and I don’t have to spray down the…
Pretty much what the title says! General or specific, important or unimportant, obvious or not so much … doesn’t matter. The common items included what resolution mechanics are for, situation as a constraint which undergoes change, interactive but non-transitive forms of fun. I think most of the details tied back into these. However, one of…
Part of hobby mythology concerns role-playing’s origins as bringing tighter focus into table-top wargaming, such that within this or that battalion, or aboard this or that vehicle, the group can look closer and see Sergeant Bob or whoever running around, being a character, having opinions, and doing things. If that’s so, then one would think…
A big lab this time on a big topic: failed resolution, of any kind, for any given set of rules. This is no small thing and may rate as the single most undeveloped topic in the entire activity, to date. Before talking about bad, good, constructive, unconstructive, fun, not fun, or any such thing, we…
I posted the Phenomenology presentation in January 2018, as my first Adept Play contribution to thinking about this activity of ours. What you’re seeing there is actually my second version; I’d posted the first to the Patreon back then, and re-shot it following their comments. I’m doing the same again, with an eye toward a…
What does that phrase mean? I lifted it from the famous phrase about “stupid,” but movies and memes may have spoiled the original phrase’s meaning, so I’ll (probably) waste your time for a moment explaining myself. The point is that it’s not what people call you or judge you, or conversely, what you think or…
I am pretty confident these days regarding the strength and utility of my/our ideas expressed at this site, so my Lab notions are shifting from organized curriculum and into “let’s see where we can gte.” In this case, we began with “tell me about your character” and moved on from there. For those who follow…
Here’s to participation, as this was the biggest attendance yet for a Monday Lab, and I really liked it. Everyone had a chance to chip in, and if we didn’t discover any One True Answer, well, some reasonable questions were unearthed. It’s tough to discuss long-term play without either idealizing it as role-playing’s most-sought goal…
It’s been a while, but the new Discord functions are serving my needs to renew Monday Labs! To review the concept, these are discussion topics which patrons (any level) can participate in. They used to be organized beforehand at the Patreon itself, but that was a little clunky – now, at the Adept Play Discord…