Adept Play
A fantasy game by Luke Crane, published by his company Burning Wheel Headquarters in 2002.
For the last few years the topic of inspiration has increasingly become both noticeable by me and important to me. I wanted to talk about it with others. Jon and Claudio wanted to as well, so we recorded it. Note: we focus here on inspiration as the necessary first step that launches into preparation and…
So, one of my favourite stories about my play experience is how I ran “Burning Wheel” wrong for 50 sessions (counted, now I played something around 84 sessions of BW). From my and most players perspective it was quite normal and there wasn’t anything suspicious… and so it was until I ran it for Aleksandra…
The game is on permanent hiatus. Tab started school and plays with the local D&D club. Those rules are more her speed and she was not really into learning all BW’s intricacies. Otlet put in a lot of effort to overcome the caution of the dwellers in the great forest. Tab wanted to do a…
Otlet Sets Out This was the first Burning Wheel adventure in the 1-on-1 game I posted about earlier. The starting situation was Otlet in his leaky shack looking Northward, the metropolis of Freeport to the West and the ancient forest to the East. His Roden were the embittered dwellers Below the metropolis, and he had…
I have been experiencing something pretty great in play lately, across two games. I want to talk about it. The Play I’m playing in a one-on-one Burning Wheel game. I’m not GMing. The GM was inspired by the Morrowind video game (which I’m unfamiliar with), and we have a political-religious war going on where the…
Restarting GM-ing My child, Tabitha, expressed an interest in gaming after having gone to the Phantasm convention in Peterborough, Ontario. She played in a Bushido game I ran, and in a Mouse Guard game run by anyone else. She was leafing through the Monster Burner supplement to Burning Wheel and saw the really cool images…
The topic of playing in Big Settings has been on my mind. I decided to dig up some 10 year old notes from my favorite Burning Wheel game, which was set in Middle Earth. When we decided to play in Middle Earth, I knew I had to narrow down what sources I was using. I…
Art by Crowy. I continue grappling with Burning wheel, it seems. Recruitment text: Vikings sack a monastery: A Burning wheel one-shot. Year eight hundred and something, a bunch of vikings have sailed to close to a monastery and are about to rob and pillage it. Everyone makes a character in the situation: a viking, a…
Back in 2019-2020, I’ve returned to TTRPGs by running “Burning Dwarven Fortress” campaign. It had been influenced by playing Dwarf Fortress video game back then. I’ve used Burning Wheel. Why? In Autumn 2019, I was looking for a game which suits DF’s theme as best as possible and BW was my comfort and kinda OK…