Adept Play
The term refers to the available, actionable scope of play during the course of a roleplaying experience. It may be composed of different locations or times, or concepts, and it is always composed of scenes (where someone is, what is happening) as subunits.
At Big Bad Con this year, I ran a session of The Black Sword Hack. The Black Sword Hack is a heavily Moorcock influenced game branched off The Black Hack which is an OSR game that claims to branch off the original 1974 version of D&D. But like all OSR things, The Black Hack is…
I’ll lay this out the way I see it and have tried to present it over the past few years. I think the role of textual setting content is clear: it explicitly drives into playing situations, or it doesn’t. (So-called “scenario seeds” typically don’t.) However, one simply cannot tell by reading. Sometimes it seems overly…
At the Happening, I was determined to play a little bit of Harnmaster and Dangerous Journeys, both of which I’ve been poking at for many years. David brought Boot Hill too, and as it happened, the three make a nice set for discussion. Also, we were intrigued enough to play a second session of Harnmaster,…
I want to focus my posts on situation play for the moment, especially with an eye towards being better at it, and this is my attempt to clarify what it means. Trying to internalize the various discussions, interactions and courses from AdeptPlay, I’ve decided last year to consciously change the way I view and play,…
This is a report of an experience of Vampire The Masquerade played between 2003 and 2006. This was a play by forum game, on a French website (who is now offline), with more or less 30 players and 3 GM. The site functioned as a series of forums, each one used as a “scene”, generally…
Thanks to all the participants! It was a three-hour beast of content and I appreciate everyone’s willingness to dive in. This post is our space to follow up and discuss the workshop, primarily among you. The recording will soon be available to all participants as well as the slides and handouts (edited: it is now…
Sorry, not those sorts of passions, or at least not much, as we’ve been playing. We’re continuing with my more-or-less faithful extraction of the AD&D 2nd edition Dark Sun, plus a bit of 4E, using The Pool, as described in Dark + Sun + Pool and It always goes to the arena. The six sessions…
A few weeks ago the characters encountered the nemesis who has been behind the situation since the beginning. And it has me thinking about how “The End” of a situation / adventure can affect the prep and Play in a game. I will also muse a bit on how System Matters. The final confrontation between…