Adept Play
This is a very broad category, often confounded with the medium of comics, often perceived as tropes which are much narrower than the historical reality. These posts concern its expression and range within role-playing.
This game was a reboot of the Villains & Vigilantes started early in the year. Johan’s schedule was too irregular for him to continue, unfortunately, as I miss Doctor Fungus. Although Filip and Helma used the same character designs and names, it’s a full reboot/beginning, and Theo joined us with his character, the Neutron. We…
Earlier posts discussed the game’s two statements and character creation. Here’s the play report for Issue #1. I made a pretty big error related to Resin’s Alter Ego Situation, which is annoying. I also made a call that I’m not sure about regarding Pooka trying to save a protester. Otherwise, I think this went really…
Those of us playing this game are chomping at the bit to play again, but summer schedules have gotten in the way of even our regular Saturday games. I guess that gives me a chance to catch up on posting videos about the first session. I made a number of mistakes in this one. Most…
So, we’re jumping back into Champions Now. Although we plan to continue the Sentinels of Justice in the near future, our gaming group also started a new game back in May. I discuss how I approached the game in this first video. More to come soon.
Before anything else, permit me to clarify the photograph. Yes, that is the actual tram here in Norrköping, where our game is set. The Kungsgatan traffic circle it runs through, the site of the action in our session, is a short distance behind the tram in the photo; it is pretty big and notably empty…
It’s been a long time, but we finally got the group back together for another session of Champions Now. We were hoping to play Session 6 tomorrow, but that fell through, so now we’re eyeing Memorial Day. As always, I welcome any feedback and comments.
I recently took some time to play the 2020 version of Supervillain You, which has had several newer versions, the most recent one dating to May 2023. (I discussed whether the 2023 version was an RPG or not with the designer, and I agree with him that it isn’t.) The process of playing this game,…
Sam and I sat down last week to record a conversation about a 7-issue run on Villains & Vigilantes we did along with our longtime creative collaborator Robin. Personally, I value how unprogrammed this particular dialog was. We excavated lessons from our play of Villains & Vigilantes that we’re excited to apply to our current…
It’s been a while due to player schedules, but we finally got this game back to the table. In general, I thought play was quite good, and folks left the table excitedly asking when we could resume. That being said, I dedicate some time in this video to ruminating over a potential issue that I…