Adept Play
A vigilante superhero game by Ron Edwards (Adept Play), published 2023.
Sam and I sat down last week to record a conversation about a 7-issue run on Villains & Vigilantes we did along with our longtime creative collaborator Robin. Personally, I value how unprogrammed this particular dialog was. We excavated lessons from our play of Villains & Vigilantes that we’re excited to apply to our current…
Vigil is now available! About a year and a half ago, I played two intensive games which first seemed to me as if they shut down the whole endeavor, but then served as the real swerve into finishing the game. I GM’d one of them with Pedro, featuring the Agony and set in Helsinki. Given…
[This post is adapted from a Patreon post a couple of months ago. It’s relevant to the March Q&A so I’ve made it public here.] I’ve been thinking about a practical aspect of preparation which feeds into qualities of play. It boils down to a simple question: does whoever’s making up important aspects of the…
I’ve played a ton of Vigil in the past year, but not posted about it much. For those arriving recently, check out my Comics Madness post Is your hate pure? for what it’s all about. More generally, it’s one of my three simultaneous superhero game projects, along with Champions Now and Cosmic Zap. Like them,…
Oh golly, let’s see a bunch of guys over-share about how much their characters have been having sex!! … for those few of you remaining in the room, you’ll see us talk well beyond the boilerplate. Sex has been freed-up in role-playing over the last decade and a half. This seems to have freed us…
This interview is from November 2017, almost exactly a year later than the Metatopia interview with Maksim Mohammedov, and a good comparison with it. You’ll see how both Vigil and Adept Play have emerged from the earlier points.
It’s almost right outta the box, with pauses and um’s and stuff – but it’s a great look at how topical and immediate the game is. Contrary to the question marks, the heroes’ names were El Santo and El Ángel Caído.