Adept Play
A hobby term beginning with “old school” and variable meanings for R. It has little or no useful definition, but the associated games and play provide many topics for discussion.
Here’s the beast: all the things I think we should collectively consider as the social and commercial platform for role-playing’s history … and content, and emotions. Distribution, political context, money matters, subcultural effects, and more: presented not as momentary justifications, but as a layered history with a deep structure of cause and effect. Many thanks…
At Big Bad Con this year, I ran a session of The Black Sword Hack. The Black Sword Hack is a heavily Moorcock influenced game branched off The Black Hack which is an OSR game that claims to branch off the original 1974 version of D&D. But like all OSR things, The Black Hack is…
Our expedition had found a valuable, golden staff, once the property of a powerful hag, or maybe just a sorceress. We wanted a curse she had laid on a noble house and swamp to be gone. It had done its job. The house had been ruined for however long. (The adventure module is the one…
I have been playing Old School Essentials for about a year with four people I know from the punk scene in my city. There is one experienced role-player in the group. The others had some familiarity with D&D fantasy based on video games and pop culture. Our first play experience was a dungeon crawl using…
My buddy Thomas (who blogs at Augury Ignored) and I played four sessions of Runecairn. We’re playing online, and we’ve previously played Burning Wheel and a single session each of S/Lay w/Me and Cold Soldier. Runecairn is a two-player Norse fantasy game set after Ragnarok. It is inspired by the videogame Dark Souls, of which…
After I finished my stint as referee in a long game focusing on sailing, exploring the wilderness, and leading bands of warriors, I wanted to try something a little different. That game had risen to really great heights, with dramatic, difficult challenges for both myself and the other players, but also spent a lot of…
The following is a transcript of a one-on-one play-by-post session of my Wolves Upon the Coast campaign, Reavers. Wolves Upon the Coast is a combined fantasy iron-age setting and ruleset based on early D&D (ostensibly OD&D but it bears more resemblance to Basic played only fighters.). At the time, the campaign had been running for…
Tapahtumaraportti englanniksi: Arcon on Norjan suurin roolipelitapahtuma, mutta se on silti aika pieni. Raporttia kaikista pelatuista peleistä voi katsella tuolta blogini puolelta. Nostan esille pari asiaa tässä. Muistakin voi jutella, blogissani tai tässä. Tsuku tsuku lähdetään (Otsikko on viittaus tähän lastenlauluun: .) Draker og demoner (Lohikäärmeitä ja paholaisia) on Fria ligan -kustantamon pelin…
While visiting my home country of Chile I finally got to run a game after over a year of not doing so. The players involved were my friends P (our host), E and J. The decision to get together was relatively short notice (motivated in part by my need to return a pot to P’s…