Adept Play
A fantasy game in development by Eero Tuovinen.
Our expedition had found a valuable, golden staff, once the property of a powerful hag, or maybe just a sorceress. We wanted a curse she had laid on a noble house and swamp to be gone. It had done its job. The house had been ruined for however long. (The adventure module is the one…
We have had a lot more serious hexcrawling and sandbox management in Coup than in my experience before. Some tools that are in use: Random encounters Not a surprise. The default seems to be a d6 table with five common encounters, and on a six, rarer encounters, with double six giving a special (previously met…
Both Knave and Tunnels and trolls share a couple of properties: crawl games, fairly cartoony encumbrance (though in different ways) and a dicing system with a fairly difficult baseline difficulty. I want to talk about the task resolution. (Practically every game resolves tasks and conflicts in some way; these ones resolve tasks explicitly and conflicts…
It has been a while since we had a proper TPK in the online Coup campaign. Maybe this is the first? We have had deaths, sure. The campaign has split into two online branches; the main branch adventures in the Gnarley woods under one game master, and when they are unavailable, we have been playing…
I will describe two different dungeoneering doctrines and then have a few comments after them. Doctrine, here, means a set of tactics one has available as tools. (The maps are player maps by diog.) The slow crawl The campaign is Rajamaat 2 and the rules chassis is Old school essentials with advanced fantasy rules. The…