Adept Play
A hobby term beginning with “old school” and variable meanings for R. It has little or no useful definition, but the associated games and play provide many topics for discussion.
We have had a lot more serious hexcrawling and sandbox management in Coup than in my experience before. Some tools that are in use: Random encounters Not a surprise. The default seems to be a d6 table with five common encounters, and on a six, rarer encounters, with double six giving a special (previously met…
I’ve been DMing a game of Moldvay/Cook B/X Dungeons & Dragons with Robbie and Sean using the module Slumbering Ursine Dunes by Chris Kutalik. We’re 10 sessions in: the main party has just walked into an ambush, and so the next session may prove critical in answering the question of how much longer we’ll be…
I will describe two different dungeoneering doctrines and then have a few comments after them. Doctrine, here, means a set of tactics one has available as tools. (The maps are player maps by diog.) The slow crawl The campaign is Rajamaat 2 and the rules chassis is Old school essentials with advanced fantasy rules. The…
We finished up the 5 session run with Blueholme and The Lost City (B4) last night. Here are the links to the three sessions (thanks Robbie): Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 This post has the links to sessions 1 & 2. To recap, the players were myself as the GM, Sam (Roland – Human…
A little question by Sam about how to create an adventure (as an excuse for using the Random Esoteric Creature Generator) for LOTFP lead me to write this answer. Sam’s point was about “creating an adventure that is a garden for emergent story”. I was in this exact situation a few months before and this…
We’ve been playing Old-School Essentials, a reorganized retro-clone of Basic/Expert Dungeons & Dragons. Specifically, we’re playing module B4: The Lost City, by Tom Moldvay. I’ve run one-shots of B/X twice in the past and…as I think about it now, I believe it is my first time actually playing it. We’re playing online, and we’re a group…
The link for session 2 is embedded below, and we played session 3 tonight. Originally we were going to play 4 sessions total but we may go to 5, depending on how things go with the next session. Here is the thread for session 1, which also has observations from a one-shot that was played…
A group of folks decided to look at some OS/R games to see how they play and how the term OS/R may or may not affect the game design itself. There are a ton of games to choose from, but several of us mentioned Blueholme and I volunteered to run it. We have four players,…
This post is in Italian. You can find a text file with a translation as an attachment. Ho avuto una prima sessione abbastanza figa e interessante di un gioco chiamato Ultraviolet Grasslands. Da quello che ho capito, fa parte del filone di giochi “old-school” che correntemente sta avendo un certo boom. Tralasciando i commenti negativi…