Adept Play
A two-player fantasy and romance game by Ron Edwards, published by his company Adept Press in 2009.
After I mentioned wanting to try new types of games, Claudio offered to play with me. Our options were Tales of the Round Table, Cold Soldier, and S/lay w/Me. I initially asked to play Round Table because of its explicitly introductory quality, but we decided it’d be easier to play a two person game. Of…
[This post is adapted from a Patreon post a couple of months ago. It’s relevant to the March Q&A so I’ve made it public here.] I’ve been thinking about a practical aspect of preparation which feeds into qualities of play. It boils down to a simple question: does whoever’s making up important aspects of the…
I’ve owned S/Lay w/Me for years. I’ve wanted to play it for that entire time. I never have, because it seems so intensely intimate, and also because no matter how many times I’ve read it, I don’t know if I know how to play it. Regardless, after a long, soul-baring conversation with a friend of…
I had a memory come back to me and I figured I’d share it. I had this friend named Sayler. I haven’t seen him in a long time. Sayler was an interesting and somewhat mysterious fellow. He was of German and Persian ancestry. He was stationed in Berlin with the U.S. Army when the wall…
The last three and a half months have been full of funny, heartbreaking and just plain fun roleplaying (D&D 4e, Marvel Super Heroes, S/lay w/Me, and Sorcerer). I regret not having the bandwidth to post about these games in detail at present, because I owe so much of the quality of my recent roleplaying to…
The following text was taken from the forum “La Locanda del Gdr” and translated from Italian using Deepl: Hello everyone! In August I had the opportunity to try for the first time S/lay w/ME, accompanied by a faithful companion known online, for two sessions and a total of two rotations between the role of GM…
Hi, this is a video of a recent session of S/Lay w/Me played by me and Sam. It includes a little chat from me beforehand about how we wound up getting this game together, some after-game reflections about what it was like, and plenty of rules talk and figuring-it-out during the game itself. That last…
My friend Tazio and I are are playing S/Lay w/Me! I’d prefer not to discuss the current health crisis at this site except as it’s relevant, but it’s true that he is in northern Italy and I am in a hard-hit area of Sweden – there is just a little bit of shared worry between…
Fabien Hildwein is one of the enthusiastic participants in the francophone sector of role-playing discourse and design. The thread back to me is probably Christoph Boeckle, who dropped a lot of time and buckets of posts at the Forge, and at some point along the way prompted a similar site (SilentDrift) and scene among French…