Adept Play
This topic requires precise usage. Every discussion must be clear regarding its precise form: racism as a significant component in the fiction, or as a manifestation of real-world views intentionally or otherwise; how game mechanics are involved positively or negatively; whether text or play may be said to promote it or to confront it; and much more.
One trend in role-playing game publications, from the beginning, is to stuff too much into the pages: design discovered and utilized in play, speculated design, padding, features or content provided by other people, consolidated content for IP purposes, content perceived as “needed” or “people want it,” and more. I find many game texts to be…
What does that phrase mean? I lifted it from the famous phrase about “stupid,” but movies and memes may have spoiled the original phrase’s meaning, so I’ll (probably) waste your time for a moment explaining myself. The point is that it’s not what people call you or judge you, or conversely, what you think or…
The points raised or shared by Eloy LaSanta are not a minor concern for me. A couple of months ago, with a certain amount of uncertainty, I decided how I wanted Adept Play to participate in Black Lives Matter and related issues. It’s a risky way, because I am allergic to claiming myself to be…
As part of my recent swim-about in the internets of Glorantha and its associated games, my friend Nick Brooke and I had the chance to mix it up a little! It’s regarding the long-standing interpretations of human ethnicities in Glorantha, including those which made it into published form One of the setting’s claims to fame…
Sean Hillman and I met to talk about his game, or proto-game, just notes really, Empire of the Dragon Lotus. For me it’s a callback to about … fifteen years ago, into the hothouse of the Forge and Sean’s participation there. I think his original notes on the game from back then are in one…
The recent discussion in Actual Play has prompted me to what may be quite a lot of pointed looks at racism in role-playing content. I’ve made a little video to set local boundaries & standards for all of them, beginning right here. You’ll be seeing that link again. To repeat one of the points from…
Hi to everyone. I had always a doubts about “realistic”fantasy settings. Imagine a fantasy world with the classic races A, B and C (Elves, Dwarves and Huma for ex.). Imagine a “realistic” fantasy world, in the sense that once some absurd premises -like magic- are set, the consequences should be logical and based on modern…