Adept Play
A fantasy game by Coleman Charlton, John Curtis, Pete Fenlon, and Steve Marvin, published by ICE (Iron Crown Enterprises) in 1984; compiles previous publications Arms Law, Claw Law, Spell Law, Character Law, and Campaign Law.
Here’s the beast: all the things I think we should collectively consider as the social and commercial platform for role-playing’s history … and content, and emotions. Distribution, political context, money matters, subcultural effects, and more: presented not as momentary justifications, but as a layered history with a deep structure of cause and effect. Many thanks…
Workshop #2 is now available here. If you’re a patron, be sure to check the recent Patreon post first, to get your discount code. Many thanks to the wonderful participants and all the points you raised: This space is for participants and, I hope, for people who get the recording, to continue discussing the topic.…
For the last few years the topic of inspiration has increasingly become both noticeable by me and important to me. I wanted to talk about it with others. Jon and Claudio wanted to as well, so we recorded it. Note: we focus here on inspiration as the necessary first step that launches into preparation and…
A few weeks ago the characters encountered the nemesis who has been behind the situation since the beginning. And it has me thinking about how “The End” of a situation / adventure can affect the prep and Play in a game. I will also muse a bit on how System Matters. The final confrontation between…
The Rolemaster game I am running with Rod and Robbie continues, and John has joined us as well. I feel like the point of this post is worth a new post instead of continuing the old one, but you can view that right here. About a month, maybe longer, ago Rod had asked if we…
I enjoy a great deal of gaming culture from the late 1970s and early 80s. Two of those things are the card game Dragonmaster and Rolemaster. Both touch on nostalgia for me, but Rolemaster in particular is one of those games I enjoy going back to when I can. It has been a while. I…
This set of questions spans a wide range: some Forge and Story Games history, using traits or rules involving “Destiny” without railroading toward a specific thing, and plenty of resolution-type topics regarding how characters fight. Here’s the file summarizing our discussion at the Patreon. As always, I’m hoping for continuance and more development here.
These are some very think-y questions! Including a lot about beasts and monsters. I want to clarify some things about my response to Sean. First, here are the three “roots” of critical hits in text. They’re not intended to be in order, as I think they were simultaneous at this scale of history: Here’s the…