Adept Play
A European medieval fantasy game by Ed Simbalist and Wilf Backhaus, published by Fantasy Games Unlimited in 1977.
In the recent Globalism seminar comments, Alan Barclay talked about encountering ditto copies of Dungeons & Dragons probably bootlegged from the GenCon release in 1974. I do recall the game just transported me — I didn’t care much about mechanics, just the experience of ineracting with the imaginary world created lagely in my own head.…
The one thing I regret is not making up twenty characters across seven game titles and launching into fervent play right away. This was so much fun. There was a Renaissance, and no one noticed. Or only in scattered experience, in the insistence upon the recognition of this or that title (for me, The Fantasy…
Here’s part 1 of my series “Finding D&D,” or rather, my first pass at working it up into a formal presentation. I’m looking forward to a fair piece of response for it. There’s some history, based on several discussions at my old Adept forum, and a lot of private correspondence since then across a number…