Adept Play
One on one or small-group discussions, without the formal context of an interview or seminar.
Sean Hillman and I discuss some confusing things about situations in play, specifically, what does preparation have to do with them. Seems easy, right? You prep it, then the group plays it – hey, the real (digital, video) games do it all the time, so we should just do that, right? So much for rhetorical…
As part of my recent swim-about in the internets of Glorantha and its associated games, my friend Nick Brooke and I had the chance to mix it up a little! It’s regarding the long-standing interpretations of human ethnicities in Glorantha, including those which made it into published form One of the setting’s claims to fame…
Andy Goodman’s Expedition to the Grizzly Peaks podcast is a worthy artifact – essentially, this guy missed all the ins & outs of the role-playing scene for about twenty years, mid-80s to mid-00s, and now he’s looking at today’s scene in mingled love, curiosity, and understandable bemusement. Evidently, my name appeared during his investigations, so…
Megan Bennett-Burks and I toss some topics back and forth mainly because we both grapple with them. You’ll probably recognize my beefs with crowdfunding, or rather, how it happened to turn out in practice, despite my support for the basic idea; also, my ongoing effort to distinguish between text as teaching vs. reference vs. user…
It is pure pleasure both to play with and to converse with Simon Pettersson, with the added benefit of his help & guidance during my first visit to Lincon last month. Patrons already got to read about my adventures with sleeping quarters there, so if you want anecdotes and details, that’s the way. When I…
The mystic world heard my cry, evidently, and has delivered a glowy burst of conversations about what dice do, especially when rolled in profusion. This time I have the pleasure of talking with Ben Milton, in an almost completely unconstructed, non-interview-like chat just because we like these dice things. Part 1 examines what big dice…
Evidently my Reflections by request video from Febuary 14 wasn’t too badly done, as I’ve received a lot of inquiries about continuing the discussion, especially the topics raised at the end. John Stephens contributed a lot of thoughts and attention to the development of role-playing, during what some think of as the strongest period of…
In his series of G+ posts based on reading/reflecting on games, Jason D’Angelo mentioned he’d be going through Dungeons & Dragons (1977), by J. Eric Holmes. Unable to resist, I asked him to chat me with about that, and so here we are. Some of the points in there bear further deep-dives. If you agree,…
In the recent Globalism seminar comments, Alan Barclay talked about encountering ditto copies of Dungeons & Dragons probably bootlegged from the GenCon release in 1974. I do recall the game just transported me — I didn’t care much about mechanics, just the experience of ineracting with the imaginary world created lagely in my own head.…