Adept Play
The first supplement for Sorcerer, by Ron Edwards, published by his company Adept Press in 1998 (PDF) and 2001 (book).
Maybe I’m too much of a pattern-making story-making animal, but the questions this time really built a single coherent body of inquiry for me. I felt like I was addressing a single important topic from multiple angles of attack. I introduce the video with a warning, but I’ll say it briefly here as well: this…
About how we play (at all), about players and characters, about conceptual rules, about small-scale procedural rules … It’s a full-spectrum session this time. At one point I wonder which version of Ars Magica I’m talking about, which turns out to be the second edition (1989).
Here a game of Sorcerer I am playing with Rod Anderson and Jon Hastings. I’m GMing and following the instructions in the Sorcerer and Sword supplement to create a Howardesque fantasy setting. Attached are PDFs of the setting document I used to launch the game, along with the PDFs of their chracters, including context wheels.…
Here’s a pitch (one pager) I’m drafting for an upcoming gaming retreat. If players join me, we’ll run 3 sessions over a weekend. I’d love some feedback before I finalize the pitch. Caligula’s Game Neos Helios, “the new sun”, the One King and One God, Jupiter on Earth, Divine Kindly Prince, Gaius Caligula has cheated…
Due to some weird circumstances, I ran a 1-shot last night for a group I am an actual player in (as opposed to mostly GMing). It was for three of the players as the others could no make it (hence the 1-shot). The barrier was partially a social one: I do not know one of…
At the Patreon, I began a deeper discussion of my breakdown of “setting” into three more useful terms: backdrop, situation, and scene(s). I presented it first in Circle of Hands and referenced it a lot since then. At first glance, these terms appear to be nested, in order from biggest to smallest, so that situation…
We had our first session of Sorcerer & Sword yesterday! The pitch was this: There is a hidden forest valley between the perilous ridges: THE KL’AU. The only way to reach it is a hard-to-find pass called the Fraustgap, lost in the no man’s land between three civilizations. Rumor has it there are survivors of…
A group of us has been carrying on a Sorcerer and Sword game for 5 months. This has taken our characters through two sets of kickers, and at the conclusion, we decided to sit down for a conversation to reflect on the game and our experiences. Rod was the GM, with Greg and me playing…
I’ve watched dozen of the Runequest Spelenhus games and took a great pleasure to see people enjoying roleplaying. A few things I liked, the cult approach to society, and building the settings through play, according needs arising from play. After a few exchanges in the comments, I chose to hold off on Runequest 2nd, and…