Adept Play
A science fiction game by Joe Williams and Kathleen Williams, published by their company Marquee Press in 1994.
I scheduled a session of Khaotic at Gothcon, but I didn’t expect a full sign-up + one. Fortunately I’d brought six characters. Having played it before with five was a handful, and six was wild: the more the merrier, as far as this particular fiction is involved, but it’s no joke maintaining the separate perceptions…
Where I’ll be leading two workshops and two games, in addition to the pick-up play and discussion shenanigans that I always get into at these things. That’s why I’ve been shoddy about posting and commenting lately, to get ready for this. Also for my role-playing teaching trip to Rome the week afterwards, which is other…
We have completed play for our Khaotic game! Including sessions 9 and 10, continuing from the material presented at What could go wrong? and Psychic social science fiction hits the “drama” button. We plan to finalize things about the immediate aftermath with some discussion next week, which may possibly include some dice-rolling, but I don’t…
We continue with Khaotic, in our Spelens Hus group! With special attention to the remarkable internalization each player has undergone regarding their characters, as I’ve received plenty of contributions from all of them regarding backstories, plans, details, and relationships. The video below is session 5 and a reflection afterwards, ontinuing with the game first introduced…
It’s 2030, as conceived in 1994, and things like this thing are attacking Earth out of nowhere. No fear: the International Society of Enlightened Scientists has swung into action, using secret weird tech from the 1940s under no quality-control supervision at all! You play their agents on missions via the TransEgo Device as well as…
It is crazy how common and how widely-developed craziness is, in role-playing. As much as world-building, as much as combat options, as much as magic systems, this is a definite feature of the hobby with its own schools and aims. It is clearly a primary path toward characterization, character development, player agency (through its managed…