Adept Play
A horror game by Greg Stolze and John Scott Tynes, published by Atlas Games in 1998.
intro this is a continuation of the Unknown Armies 3e session report i started a couple of weeks ago. i covered session prep in that first post. i’ll focus on the game session on this one. you don’t have to read the first post to understand this one. game day I ran Maria in Three…
intro i ran a UA3 demo at a local rpg meetup. i used the Maria in three parts introductory module. I’d like to share a report of how things went. i have way more to say than i thought i did so i’m splitting it into two parts: the prep and the run. prep goals…
It is crazy how common and how widely-developed craziness is, in role-playing. As much as world-building, as much as combat options, as much as magic systems, this is a definite feature of the hobby with its own schools and aims. It is clearly a primary path toward characterization, character development, player agency (through its managed…