Adept Play
A superhero game in design by Justin Nichols.
I rarely get the chance to dig right into one of my most favored and preferred role-playing mechanics, the dice pool. Notwithstanding that I have yet to discover a reasonable description of what any such thing is, meaning, in a defining sense, applicable to various versions. I wouldn’t mind seeing plenty of “hey, what about…
Justin and I shifted over to one of his other designs in progress, Origin, which has a nice values-based resolution idea and lends itself to “but that wouldn’t be right” play among superheroes. Part 1 (embedded below) goes right into my critique of one of his values-axes, i.e. a polarized spectrum, to address the perceived…
I’ve shifted our focus more fully into the concrete experience of designing a game. I’m also finding it useful to consider the practitioner’s general outlook of “this is how I did it,” vs. the observer’s or analyst’s outlook of “but how does a person do it,” without falling into the trap of tossing it back…