Adept Play
I want to focus my posts on situation play for the moment, especially with an eye towards being better at it, and this is my attempt to clarify what it means. Trying to internalize the various discussions, interactions and courses from AdeptPlay, I’ve decided last year to consciously change the way I view and play,…
This is a report of an experience of Vampire The Masquerade played between 2003 and 2006. This was a play by forum game, on a French website (who is now offline), with more or less 30 players and 3 GM. The site functioned as a series of forums, each one used as a “scene”, generally…
So I played Holmes yesterday evening. I created pregens with evocative stuffs (an elf who is an “exiled noble from the cursed forest”, a thief ratfolk from the “guild of the forgotten secrets”), and I don’t like dwarves and halfings so I used the same rules for, respectively, Snake-peoples and ratfolks. I was feeling creative…
Our The Clay That Woke game continues, and I may post a little more about it the following weeks, as I’m currently reviewing my notes from the classes (mainly Action in the Action, Situations and plots, and Numeracy). Here is a simple but interesting inflexion that happened.
Sam and me just finished a game of The Hour of Dog and Wolf and reflected on our experience. This is a discussion about the themes/shared experiences, and the use of plot points. Sam played Angelo Scabo, a disorganized killer with visions of Saint Barbara in the small ex-industrial town of Charleroi, in Belgium. It…
This is a self-reflective post is about referring reincorporation and situation in play, and two mechanics of the game: the nameless conversation, getting a name and how all of those variables intersect together. For that reason, I’ll avoid any talk about prep in the article. What I want to celebrate, is what I see as…
We played 1 hour of Cold Soldier with my friend Benoit. Benoit was playing the Cold Soldier, I was playing the Dark Master. I was facilitating the rules that Ben had not read. Cold Soldier formalizes a lot the distribution of authorities. Backstory authority is shared between the players. In our game, we decided together…