Author: Tommi

  • Arconissa kiskoja ja heikko Cairn

    Arconissa kiskoja ja heikko Cairn

    Tapahtumaraportti englanniksi: Arcon on Norjan suurin roolipelitapahtuma, mutta se on silti aika pieni. Raporttia kaikista pelatuista peleistä voi katsella tuolta blogini puolelta. Nostan esille pari asiaa tässä. Muistakin voi jutella, blogissani tai tässä. Tsuku tsuku lähdetään (Otsikko on viittaus tähän lastenlauluun: .) Draker og demoner (Lohikäärmeitä ja paholaisia) on Fria ligan -kustantamon pelin…

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  • Some sandbox tools

    Some sandbox tools

    We have had a lot more serious hexcrawling and sandbox management in Coup than in my experience before. Some tools that are in use: Random encounters Not a surprise. The default seems to be a d6 table with five common encounters, and on a six, rarer encounters, with double six giving a special (previously met…

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  • No easy task

    No easy task

    Both Knave and Tunnels and trolls share a couple of properties: crawl games, fairly cartoony encumbrance (though in different ways) and a dicing system with a fairly difficult baseline difficulty. I want to talk about the task resolution. (Practically every game resolves tasks and conflicts in some way; these ones resolve tasks explicitly and conflicts…

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  • A very Gygaxian TPK

    A very Gygaxian TPK

    It has been a while since we had a proper TPK in the online Coup campaign. Maybe this is the first? We have had deaths, sure. The campaign has split into two online branches; the main branch adventures in the Gnarley woods under one game master, and when they are unavailable, we have been playing…

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  • A short experiment

    A short experiment

    Art by Crowy. I continue grappling with Burning wheel, it seems. Recruitment text: Vikings sack a monastery: A Burning wheel one-shot. Year eight hundred and something, a bunch of vikings have sailed to close to a monastery and are about to rob and pillage it. Everyone makes a character in the situation: a viking, a…

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  • Dungeoneering, fast and slow

    Dungeoneering, fast and slow

    I will describe two different dungeoneering doctrines and then have a few comments after them. Doctrine, here, means a set of tactics one has available as tools. (The maps are player maps by diog.) The slow crawl The campaign is Rajamaat 2 and the rules chassis is Old school essentials with advanced fantasy rules. The…

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  • Horses on squares

    Horses on squares

    A figure chess rules system is one where the combatants take turns and during their turn they typically move and do some other stuff. There might be squares or hexes or one might do without. There are a few situations where most of them break down, with dynamic movement being the most glaring. My interest…

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  • Puhvelilinna


    Olen pelannut Puhvelilinna-sooloseikkailua Tunnels & trolls -pelin seitsemännellä laitoksella (30. vuosipäivän laitos, joskus muinoin hankittu). Seikkailu vaatii vähän soveltamista ja sen tasapaino lienee erikoinen tämän laitokset kanssa, mutta ei se mitään. Nyt on aika iso osa linnasta kartoitettu, vaikkakaan ei kaikkea. Otin tämän samalla sääntöjen oppimisen hengessä. Kantomatka-aseisiin en ole vielä uskaltanut koskea, mutta ehkä…

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  • Brennandi vikingar og sosiale ferdigheter

    Brennandi vikingar og sosiale ferdigheter

    I Burning wheel -spillet vårt oppdaga jeg at jeg setter stor fokus på sosiale ferdighetene og tolker dem som noe mer enn bare vanlig, vennlig tale. Sammenheng Jeg er spilleder. Det er tre spillere, to nye (som virker kjenne hverandre) og én jeg har kjørt ulike slags D&D til tidligere, men som har ingen erfaring…

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