Adept Play
I Burning wheel -spillet vårt oppdaga jeg at jeg setter stor fokus på sosiale ferdighetene og tolker dem som noe mer enn bare vanlig, vennlig tale. Sammenheng Jeg er spilleder. Det er tre spillere, to nye (som virker kjenne hverandre) og én jeg har kjørt ulike slags D&D til tidligere, men som har ingen erfaring…
I ran a scenario of Miseries and misfortunes; about three sessions (plus some miscellaneous character creation and reflection). It is an interesting, though mayhaps incomplete, game, and one I do not enjoy as written. But there are many good lessons to learn from it. The scenario: . There were three players, only one known…
Peluutin Palavaa pyörää (Burning wheel) joskus kauan sitten. Minun piti kertoa pelaajille (taustaa perinteisissä roolipeleissä ja D&D:ssä ja ehkäpä Menneisyyden varjojen kanssa) hahmonluonnista. Palavassa pyörässä hahmon ikä ja elämänpolut määräävät ominaisuuksien käytettävien pisteiden määrän. Hahmo, jonka kaikki ominaisuudet ovat arvossa neljä, on varsin hyvä ja pelattava. Siitä voi halutessaan vähän poiketa, mutta tämä ei ole…
Ranrance was a Praedor character I played once when I had moved abroad and had no gaming group yet. A short-grown river bandit, whose main feature was owning a river ship. Why not convert them to the highly customized BECMI rules variant in use here, since I would otherwise never play him? So I did.…
This was at a small convention some years ago (between 3 and 6, I would say), in the middle of nowhere, Finland. The game master and the other players were all strangers to me. There was maybe three or four players. I went in to fill the table, anyways, as I did with Savage worlds…
This is how I ran these games: (in English) I am going to tell about two linked one-shots; the first was open table, essentially gaming on demand, at a con and I am describing the last of the sessions, while the second session was an online oneshot. The system in use is as described…
The way in which we are playing the game: . Context: Player characters were chasing some bandits, but lost track of them close to the town of Saltmarsh (from a TSR adventure, U1 The sinister secret of Saltmarsh) and the fort of Morgansfort (from a Basic fantasy adventure of the same name at…
This post is an oblique response to and . I am not writing to give a definition of OSR, but rather describe my experiences over a number of years and how I play in and run games that are often classified as OSR, but also various other editions of D&D. I am talking…