Adept Play
At the discord, as part of another conversation, Ron said this: Here’s what I’d like to see more: plain Sorcerer, with no sorcerers beyond the player-characters, and at the start, few if any demons beyond those they’ve bound, with any other fantastic elements of the situation being considered normal within the fiction. Significantly as well,…
For the last few years the topic of inspiration has increasingly become both noticeable by me and important to me. I wanted to talk about it with others. Jon and Claudio wanted to as well, so we recorded it. Note: we focus here on inspiration as the necessary first step that launches into preparation and…
I’m not completely certain, but I think this is in the realm of our activity. Whether it is or is not is a valid topic of discussion for this post. Some way or another, a year or two ago I became aware of the existence of a book called Top 10 Games You Can Play…
We’re playing Sorcerer, online. Social context: I’m GMing and T, D, and P are playing sorcerers. I’ve played a good amount of 1-on-1 stuff with T, and a decent amount with T and D together. P joined us for a game of Hero’s Banner that didn’t get off the ground due to scheduling issues. My…
My buddy Thomas (who blogs at Augury Ignored) and I played four sessions of Runecairn. We’re playing online, and we’ve previously played Burning Wheel and a single session each of S/Lay w/Me and Cold Soldier. Runecairn is a two-player Norse fantasy game set after Ragnarok. It is inspired by the videogame Dark Souls, of which…
Cold Soldier post-play thoughts In the audio file above I talk for a half an hour or so about the Cold Soldier game we played, going over the principal events of play and my thoughts on them. Early on there are some annoying artifacts as a result of me recording on my phone (buzzes from…
In the Adept Play discord chat, I said, I have been buying some D&D 4th edition books, because it’s a game I’m keen to run. Finally yesterday I had enough of a spread to look at Skill Challenges throughout the edition. I had heard the math was “bad” the first time they printed the rules…
I have been experiencing something pretty great in play lately, across two games. I want to talk about it. The Play I’m playing in a one-on-one Burning Wheel game. I’m not GMing. The GM was inspired by the Morrowind video game (which I’m unfamiliar with), and we have a political-religious war going on where the…