Category: Horror

A very broad topic with many subsets or nuances including terror, monsters, crime, psychology, or surrealism, and with different compositions of fictional and participant experience.

  • Call of Cthulhu

    Call of Cthulhu

    IN SHORT… Tristan Lhomme is a well-known RPG name in France from the 80s and 90s. He massively contributed to the popularity of RPGs in the country by publishing excellent reviews, scenarios, supplements. We played one of the CoC scenarios that he wrote, “A quiet village”, and it really was a blast. # # #…

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  • A Game of the Pool, Lovecraft-style

    A Game of the Pool, Lovecraft-style

    A couple of friends wanted to play the Pool, and picked a Lovecraftian scenario. So I updated my Cthulhu version of the Pool (available here: and the players made one character each. They wanted a period piece, so we went with 1920s Seattle.  The first thing I did in my prep was read about…

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  • Untitled vampire game

    Untitled vampire game

    I generally play D&D (O or A 1e, if you’re curious), mostly focusing on creating and overcoming challenges for myself and other players. But after spending a few weeks watching lots of vampire movies, I thought I might play a game that would help me explore characters, situations, and emotions common to the genre. I…

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  • In nomine satanis / magna veritas

    In nomine satanis / magna veritas

    IN SHORT… INS / MV was a bit of an iconic game for me. I “missed” it in the 90s when I started playing and was largely consumed by other games. I recently discovered that a 5th edition, with a lighter setting and ruleset than prior editions, had been published in 2015. I decided to…

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  • Being there

    Being there

    I scheduled a Circle of Hands session last month at Gothcon, deliberately choosing a monster time-slot at five hours. Four people arrived to play, the maximum I’d permitted, many of whom I did not know. Special mention goes to the exception, Johan, who actually played in the first serious revision of Gray Magick back in…

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  • My  life with Maximus

    My life with Maximus

    We played a full game of My Life with Master at Spelens Hus for two sessions, across the end of last September and the beginning of October. The first two videos for session 1 show the preparation, excepting the nuts and bolts of making the characters. Given a very brief “stereotypical Balkan mountains, decayed nobility…

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  • Problems vs. Situations

    Problems vs. Situations

    There seems to be an unending stream of games that assume the players are a team that runs missions. Sometimes the characters are presumed to be freelancers who take on contract work and other times they have some kind of formal employment or indentured servitude or shared cause arrangement with an individual or organization. Either…

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  • The Merovingian

    The Merovingian

    We played 1 hour of Cold Soldier with my friend Benoit. Benoit was playing the Cold Soldier, I was playing the Dark Master. I was facilitating the rules that Ben had not read. Cold Soldier formalizes a lot the distribution of authorities. Backstory authority is shared between the players. In our game, we decided together…

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  • Sorcerer Atchison

    Sorcerer Atchison

    I have played 15 sessions of Sorcerer since April, resolving one set of Kickers with my Runequest buddy David and his brother (another Noah), then a second set with the brothers plus Sam. Inspired by the form of Mansfeld’s posts, I’m going to describe the Sorcerers in our game, their Kickers (for PC Sorcerers) and…

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