Adept Play
This weekend I played a session of my design-in-progress game “Variations on a Quiet and Lonely Hell”. It went quite well and there was an interesting bit of play phenomenon that provoked some thoughts I’d share. A brief structural overview for context: The player characters are all (separately) wandering around an abandoned town. When they…
At Big Bad Con this year, I ran a session of The Black Sword Hack. The Black Sword Hack is a heavily Moorcock influenced game branched off The Black Hack which is an OSR game that claims to branch off the original 1974 version of D&D. But like all OSR things, The Black Hack is…
I recently acquired Desperation which is two games in one by Jason Morningstar. Both games work the same way; they just differ in subject matter. Both games are about groups of people desperately trying to survive a horrible situation. The two different situations are represented by a unique deck of cards. There’s a setup phase…
I’m six sessions into running a Sorcerer game with an interesting social context. There’s my partner Tracey, her friend from college Dawn, Dawn’s husband Jeff and their (adult) son Storm. We play online because Tracey and I are in Southern California and they’re in Northern California. Context The game is set in the Greater Los…
I had been wanting to run a Blade Runner-inspired sci-fi noir game for sometime when Free League released an actual Blade Runner RPG. I typically don’t go in for “official” tie-in games but I had the opportunity to pick the game up on sale. When I took a look at it, I found I was…
So, a third game I ran at Big Bad Con was Locus. Locus has intrigued me for a while because it plays around in the Silent Hill inspired space that I enjoy so much. It is definitely a passion project built by someone who I genuinely believe played it a lot. In this instance, I…
While at Big Bad Con I had an opportunity to play my game in development, Variations on a Quiet and Lonely Hell. I had previously gone through a round of consulting with Ron about this game which can be found here: Additionally, I have since taken seven of Ron’s classes including The Ronnies which…
The past weekend I attended Big Bad Con in Northern California. It’s a convention that heavily favors small press and independent RPGs. So, it’s an excellent place to find people who are up for just about anything and try out games you’ve wanted to play but just haven’t been able to pull together. The first…
I had a memory come back to me and I figured I’d share it. I had this friend named Sayler. I haven’t seen him in a long time. Sayler was an interesting and somewhat mysterious fellow. He was of German and Persian ancestry. He was stationed in Berlin with the U.S. Army when the wall…