Adept Play
We had an entertaining session of Champions Now tonight. The highlight I want to share is a short but cool example of how special effects showed up in the game. Uncle Death is a hero with the ability to separate a person’s soul from their body and instruct the soul to act for him. In…
Around 1981, a book called Down in the Dungeon was published. It featured the theme of a dungeon and pages and pages of paintings of scenes inspired by fantasy roleplaying game play. The book included a view of several levels of the actual maze of the dungeon, and images of the denizens. Inspired by this,…
Here a game of Sorcerer I am playing with Rod Anderson and Jon Hastings. I’m GMing and following the instructions in the Sorcerer and Sword supplement to create a Howardesque fantasy setting. Attached are PDFs of the setting document I used to launch the game, along with the PDFs of their chracters, including context wheels.…
This is an excerpt of one session from a multi-session mission. Attachments include more detail on previous sessions and more information on situation, NPCs, and game states, if you are interested. I’ve also attached two handouts I made for the game. I post this as an attempt to show how we played this game…
As part of the discussion on Discord about looking at “OSR” games, I visited an old friend. Back in the early 80s, I GMed perhaps 100 sessions of DragonQuest 2nd edition. I’ve just been combing through those old rules and I’ve found some interesting elements. DragonQuest was first published SPI games in 1980. SPI published…
Here some examples of how we’ve been applying special effects in our game of Champions Now, set in Seattle during Spring and Summer of 2020. The Devil’s Deputy, a villain with the ability to turn into a dust devil represented by the mechanical powers of desolidification and teleport. He also has a 4 speed, while…
I’ve just had a session of Champions Now where a villain was knocked to 0 knockout. The players, being in control of the field for the moment, just blasted him a second time to ensure he did not wake up. Is that kosher by the rules? How is the rules about recovering the first time…
James Bond RPG (1983) — Hero Points and IIEE (Continued from "James Bond 007: Hero Points in play" ) The seminar "MONDAY LAB: (AA)IIEE 2!" has prompted some thoughts about how the Hero Points in James Bond RPG are part of the Intent, Initiation, Execution, Effect (IIEE) system of the game. In JB,…
Watching the discussion "Dice: the love, the hate, the fear, the need" ( ) led me to consider the role of Hero Points in several role-playing games I'm familiar with. By Hero Points I mean a fund of points that a player can spend to influence the outcome of a resolution system that calls…