Adept Play
A setting is best conceived as a much broader scope than the situations in play, whether conceptual or geographic or cosmic. This section concerns how they are experienced in play, as opposed to direct textual references.
I’ve been DMing a game of Moldvay/Cook B/X Dungeons & Dragons with Robbie and Sean using the module Slumbering Ursine Dunes by Chris Kutalik. We’re 10 sessions in: the main party has just walked into an ambush, and so the next session may prove critical in answering the question of how much longer we’ll be…
While reading the Annotated Sorcerer rulebook this evening, I came across the phrase “here and now” again: the default “setting” for Sorcerer. And I had a sudden flashback. It is the summer of 1998, and I am GMing an ongoing GURPS game for some close friends and a rotating cast of friends-of-friends who want to…
There has been some recent discussion on the discord about 5E play and how it shakes out nearly ten years on. Like all D&D and its close relations, Adventures in Middle Earth has a lot of familiar parts, but I think AiME shows off what can be done with the system. Even with all the…
We are now four sessions into Stormbringer Tales and I am satisfied with out progress. In the beginning I envisioned two sessions per “year” or episode or, what I am now calling series as if it were a BBC show. Turns out it looks like 3 sessions or six hours of play may be the…
Here a game of Sorcerer I am playing with Rod Anderson and Jon Hastings. I’m GMing and following the instructions in the Sorcerer and Sword supplement to create a Howardesque fantasy setting. Attached are PDFs of the setting document I used to launch the game, along with the PDFs of their chracters, including context wheels.…
This is a follow-up to my post Ashen worlds and liking the scenario. We had another session of Fantasy World today, and enjoyed ourselves a lot. A cool thing happened: the dynamic that I was describing where I, as a person and not in my role as the World, highly disagree with the protagonists’ philosophy and…
A few weeks ago, the Carbon 2185 crew decided they had enough of the Cyber & The Punk for a bit. We will be switching to Forbidden Lands soon, but in the meantime the players wanted to give WFRP 4th edition a look. To save time I grabbed the pre-generated characters and let them choose.…
A group of us has been carrying on a Sorcerer and Sword game for 5 months. This has taken our characters through two sets of kickers, and at the conclusion, we decided to sit down for a conversation to reflect on the game and our experiences. Rod was the GM, with Greg and me playing…
On Monday, we played session 51 of the game I wrote about here (and also here). The game feels like it’s reaching a conclusion, and I’m looking forward to wrapping it up by session 60. For the sake of convenience, I call each sequence of 10 sessions a “season” as in seasons of a TV series.…