Adept Play
These posts concern play which includes moral decisions by any definition, ranging from simple examples to examinations of the concept.
I presented several titles to play or try with the Spelens Hus group, and this is the one that received the most votes. I sometimes forget how well-established the voting practice is here in Sweden, especially for small project-oriented groups and workplaces. Once that vote hits the discussion, wham, that’s settled, sometimes unsettling in how…
Here’s one of my favorite things: consulting with someone I didn’t know about a project I didn’t know about. Jeff McNeil has been working on his game Levied Souls for some time, and it’s beaten into pretty much manuscript phase, just shy of actual layout. I’ve learned that this is not my favorite phase to…
Catching up on my Sorcerer posting! Laura, Grégory, and I get into weird spaces in this one, partly because of the location in our fiction, the mutable or at least shiftable interior of a demonic church, but also because I played demons with remarkably awful/abstract outlooks. To review, the phrases for this game are Shadows…
We’ve been playing Sorcerer for two months! Five meetings and four sessions of play so far, and ongoing. This is with Laura and Grégory, both located in France, and thus set in Marseille. I was nonplussed to discover that neither had ever set a game they’d played in their own country. I went a little…
Justin and I shifted over to one of his other designs in progress, Origin, which has a nice values-based resolution idea and lends itself to “but that wouldn’t be right” play among superheroes. Part 1 (embedded below) goes right into my critique of one of his values-axes, i.e. a polarized spectrum, to address the perceived…
A conversation with Jonathan Tweet! I hope I do not bore anyone by repeating myself about the influence of Over the Edge upon me in role-playing, both in helping me return to enthusiastic play from a doldrums period and in providing me with a fresh view toward design. The DNA of Sorcerer lies back in…
I’ve played a ton of Vigil in the past year, but not posted about it much. For those arriving recently, check out my Comics Madness post Is your hate pure? for what it’s all about. More generally, it’s one of my three simultaneous superhero game projects, along with Champions Now and Cosmic Zap. Like them,…
The Kickers are concluded, and the story is done. To my knowledge, this is the only game of Sorcerer that I’ve been in which is now visible start to finish on record (OK, granted, one session is a verbal account). I’d certainly love to learn what an observer thinks of it. One sorcerer ending with…