Adept Play
These posts concern play which includes moral decisions by any definition, ranging from simple examples to examinations of the concept.
I have been playing an in person game of Sorcerer with some of the players that I posted about in my most recent post talking about new players. One of them, Laura, only played a single session of a roleplaying game before–the session of The Pool I talked about in that post. We finally worked…
This is an actual play of a Sorcerer campaign called Devil Ex Machina. It is set in San Francisco in 2023 and I wanted the demons to have the vibes of malevolent, conscious artificial intelligence. Sorcery in our game is characterized by an obsession with programming, extensive use of IT, and getting lost in the…
Rod, Robbie, and I sat down on Discord to talk about giant robots, the influences and the games we have (or have not) played. It was a good discussion, and I will just hit a few of the highlights to open up the discussion here. Apologies for not recording it, none of us felt strongly…
Over at the OS/R Discord, we have been playing Lamentations of the Flame Princess through a few iterations. And if you look through any of the games at the protagonist characters, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone with any redeeming characteristics. Most have been brave in the face of monstrosity, but there are not…
About when I think it’s time to retire the old email for good, as it mostly delivers spam whose algorithm is clearly confused, someone uses it for the only reason anyone should. Ransom contacted me to ask some questions about Sorcerer which led to this conversation. They were pretty deep questions, including positions regarding the…
I was at a con and I had a chance to play the early version of the italian translation of Nechronica (a game designed by Ryo Kamiya, previously the designer of Golden Sky Stories, Maid RPG, and Zettai Reido) . We were not in the best place to play a game like this, but the…
It seems to be my month for consulting on projects which have hunkered down in people’s notebooks for fifteen or twenty years, refusing either to get past a design hump or to yield gracefully into “not gonna do this game” status. The full name for this one is Variations on a Private and Lonely Hell,…
There is a problem over there, and since we have arrived, we can say “there is a problem here.” We may resolve it nicely, we may resolve it fairly, we may resolve it cooperatively, but resolve it we will, and if none of the above work, we will do whatever it takes anyway. The latter…
This post follows Daisho and dishonor to share our Spelens Hus game of The Mountain Witch. The video link below goes straight to session 4 inside the playlist. I’ve also made a couple of reflections videos, but due to the importance of hidden and incomplete information, I’ll share them when the game is completed –…