Adept Play
This section concerns teaching using roleplaying, or vice versa; or practices for teaching how to roleplay. It includes announcements for my courses but also any relevant topic as well.
That’s a terrible post title. Someone should have stopped me. Anyway, we are in fact seven years exactly into Adept Play, dated from its initial registration as a Swedish business. A tiny one to be sure, but at least as viable as a lemonade stand. What good has it done? What has been accomplished? What…
I did not title this post “When in Rome.” Please credit this on my karmic record. Near the end of 2022, I received an invitation from Marco Mengoli to visit and teach at the Instituto di Itruzione Superiore “Roselli,” in Aprilia, a suburb of Rome. Several faculty at this school including Marco study and teach…
Based on demand and the fast-approaching limits of scheduled events in April: the same courses as the previous term in January, People and Play and Situation and Story. We’re beginning about a week from now, which isn’t ideal but I hope you’ll consider it. Quick review: courses are five weeks long, one two-hour meeting per…
We begin again! I’m motivated, as I’ve seen multiple impacts and continued development for many people over the past tw years. This format and set of topics seems to be working. The term begins January 9, and as always, runs for five weeks. A given course meets on a specific day each week, as indicated…
I was a little surprised to find that there is one window remaining this year for my five-week term for coursework. I’ll offer two courses, beginning November 7. One will run Mondays November 7 through December 5, and the other Thursdays November 10 through December 8. That was rather laborious to express fully. In Sweden…
Not to be too “100th monkey” about this, but there is a noticeable critical mass phenomenon showing up here, as more people take the courses and they continue to interact through play and discussions. I think this whole endeavor is achieving more in just a few months than anything else I’ve done regarding role-playing in…
Next term is ready to go! Three courses as follows: five weeks; one two-hour session per week, hence five sessions; meeting time 20:00-22:00 CET (Sweden time); single fee per course is 1250 SEK (1000 + 25% VAT). People and Play has no prerequisites and is the foundational course for the curriculum. It is strongly recommended…
My thoughts on teaching are taking a new form. I began designing courses since just before starting Adept Play, but hadn't settled on a format until Giano Academy contacted me. Their required structure helped a lot. Five two-hour sessions seems very brief to me, but for internet and practical reasons, it's actually really good as…
I’m not quite as cool as the fire guy in the picture, but almost, perhaps. This week brings in the last sessions of the five-session courses I’m teaching for Giano Academy (see the banner item at the top right). This time it was two sections of the same course, “Introduction to Design.” For whatever reason,…