July coursework registration

Next term is ready to go! Three courses as follows: five weeks; one two-hour session per week, hence five sessions; meeting time 20:00-22:00 CET (Sweden time); single fee per course is 1250 SEK (1000 + 25% VAT).

People and Play has no prerequisites and is the foundational course for the curriculum. It is strongly recommended even if you have previously taken Phenomena. It meets Mondays beginning July 11.

Three Fantasies requires having taken People and Play or Phenomena. It meets Wednesdays beginning July 13.

Numeracy requires having taken People and Play or Phenomena. It meets Thursdays beginning July 14.

The information at each link contains all the logistics, dates, brief content description, criteria, et cetera.

For a few other points which seem to arise a lot: none of these is a design course, as they are all about play; they all include extensive in-class exercises, homework, and organized discussion; and although work is assessed throughout, there is no numerical or letter grading.

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