Adept Play
Just got home from a thrilling Sorcerer one-shot and I wanted to post something while it’s still fresh. The situation was, we’re together for the holidays and today was our only chance to play an in-person game. Four of us have played together before in multiple games and campaigns. One player was new to the…
While reading the Annotated Sorcerer rulebook this evening, I came across the phrase “here and now” again: the default “setting” for Sorcerer. And I had a sudden flashback. It is the summer of 1998, and I am GMing an ongoing GURPS game for some close friends and a rotating cast of friends-of-friends who want to…
I feel another Adept Play post simmering, I just don’t know quite how to say it. We are six sessions into our Sorcerer & Sword game now, and every session feels like the best role-playing I’ve had the good fortune to be part of in years. With our recent Freebooters game which spanned 58 sessions,…
We had our first session of Sorcerer & Sword yesterday! The pitch was this: There is a hidden forest valley between the perilous ridges: THE KL’AU. The only way to reach it is a hard-to-find pass called the Fraustgap, lost in the no man’s land between three civilizations. Rumor has it there are survivors of…
On Monday, we played session 51 of the game I wrote about here (and also here). The game feels like it’s reaching a conclusion, and I’m looking forward to wrapping it up by session 60. For the sake of convenience, I call each sequence of 10 sessions a “season” as in seasons of a TV series.…
[S1:E2], 16 Feb 2019 Session 1 recap: The adventurers are at Castle Figaryo for the prince’s birthday festival when the Empress shows up with a military escort. She is ticked that her daughter is missing. The adventurers get into some antics and escape the castle, with the prince Sabin. Player Shuffle Phoebe and Mark joined…
Previously: Planets Collide. We played a Dungeon World campaign for 30+ sessions over about two years. We started with nothing but the playbooks, and I used Dungeon BINGO to generate some ideas at the table for the first session. Session after session, we developed a thrilling world and saw the characters repeatedly cheat death, undertake…