Adept Play
(In the Realm of the Niebelungs) A fantasy game in development by Johann Mitland.
After 2.5 years of development, Im Reich der Nibelungen is finished & available at DriveThruRPG in German — and French (core book only), courtesy of Greg! Ron’s greenlit a link, so here it is: Im Reich der Nibelungen | DriveThruRPG No promotion (e.g. no pitch or blurb), as befits this place, but some information and…
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of playing my game In the Realm of the Nibelungs for the first time because a friend has taken over GMing! Yesterday, another player’s character died — and the GM ignored the rules and said the PC might still be saved by cure light wounds…
Inspired by a discussion as part of Ron’s current People and Play course, here are some of my thoughts about when and if to use resolution systems, specifically the dangers of going there too early. I’ve run Gunther must die, the introductory adventure for my game In the Realm of the Nibelungs, three times now.…
I’m getting closer to publishing my game, In the Realm of the Nibelungs, so here’s my current thinking on pricing and marketing (phrased for, though not yet published on the game’s blog): Pricing My game’s [planned] price is €6,50. You’ll get five documents (S&WCL, Im Reich der Nibelungen, the optional booklet Rheingold, a GM Screen,…
I’m ecstatic to report that the text & layout for In the Realm of the Nibelungs are finished, though publishing may take awhile: I still want to write up my introductory adventure, polish two DM flowcharts and finish a booklet of optional rules. In any case, let me look back on some design challenges: Tackling…
My first playtest for Im Reich der Nibelungen has seen seven sessions so far (and three casualties plus a TPK — more on that in a minute –, so I am happy). Some of the game’s mechanics put time pressure on the players: (a) At the end of every session, the (titular) magical mists envelop…
I’m using simultaneous initiative (with an action declaration phase) and one-minute combat rounds for In the Realm of the Nibelungs, both a first for me and my group. Combat mostly runs via Swords & Wizardry Continual Light, a D&D ‘retroclone’, albeit with some changes (such as simultaneous initiative). One question which has come up is…