Adept Play
This topic concerns hallucinatory, visionary, or artistic content of this type which features significantly in the fiction of play.
Specialized viewing only: three D&D players working up the details for their 4E characters, because the DM wants to do a level jump, from 3rd to 7th. Even though each has looked through the books, this is a significant accounting/build task, so – only if you’re interested. It is, however, actually interesting. 4E – like…
How about that other superhero game I’m working on? And no, not Vigil, but the other other one, which I’m calling Cosmic Zap. Quick review: this is work for The Chaosium, using HeroQuest as the chassis, specifically the HeroQuest SRD, itself a bit of a work in progress. Here’s the logic of the project: they…
I do not plan. But it doesn’t hurt to visualize the odd individual mechanical outcome. In this case, I thought, well, since they muffed the Skill Challenge and unleashed the crystal creche thingamabob, then Our Land is not just currently compromised by an invasive mystical-crystal birth event, it’s basically lost out to it. So if…
Into much kooky mayhem! This is where my ongoing skill challenges and prepped situation and announced character quests all collided, producing plenty of “this is how our story goes” with not a single intended or planned effect to be found in in my preparation. It’s also a good opportunity to discuss that preparation in more…
On to third level! This time I’ve expanded the scope of play to where I’d originally conceived it should be, with a number of different characters and unstable situations which interconnect. The point is for the players to decide whom they want to help or kill, and for them to assess the potential dangers of…
Our fourth session concluded the Major Quest and neatly fulfilled the requirements for leveling up. Regarding that latter, I’m using the generalizing rule that doesn’t count experience points finely, but instead sets a level-up equal to a set number of “your level” sized encounters. The default quantity of encounters is ten, but it’s also stated…
Deeper in the vortex, confronting the diseased visions infecting memory and legacy – yes, it’s 4th edition D&D, played with guts and glory. Eneku, Runt, and Ezhelya get to the center of it all. I was embarrassed to realize, while reviewing the video, how sincere some of the content was for me. I can hear…
The dungeon, which in this particular spin we’re calling vortices, is a dead psionic guy’s mind. For three characters who got their asses kicked, they did in fact revise and re-set the entire premise of my setup, through a number of roll-requiring actions, some of them judicious and some not-entirely-on-purpose. I’m kind of irked that…
I’ve given this some thought. I’ve played it, both badly and well. I’ve read a bunch. I’ve talked to its developers and knowledgeable business people. I’ve built a couple setups for play. I can only describe the cultural discourse about it as mass hysteria. Almost no one seems to have played the game I’m looking…