Adept Play
Here’s where you can see my role-playing design consulting, with clients’ permission. Please comment at any post that interests you.
I am available for consulting! I do not insert my own design, writing, or editing into others’ games. I engage with your goals and your aesthetic priorities to help you see your way through the questions or struggles you may have, to provide new information or perspectives, to play a little bit, to listen, and to ask the tough questions.
Check out any of the posts and videos to see how it goes, and use the Contact link above. If we agree it’s a good fit, then the fee is 1200 SEK + VAT (300 SEK) for three sessions.
Bleed as a term has arisen in and around the safety-techniques discussion of the past decade; I’m not sure who coined it or in what context. It concerns strong and possibly aversive or uncontrollable emotions that well up during play. If I’m not mistaken, at least sometimes it’s identified as undesirable or unsafe. Edoardo Cremaschi,…
The super-powered young (and not-so-young) godlings are now in action. If you’re seen the “0” session, then you know we’re looking at a water-controlling Atlantean – not an uncommon phrase considering certain popular characters, but here it’s much more Illuminati-ish than Aquaman-ish – a shapeshifty-techie Chimeran, and a low-impulse-control fear-wave Black October guy, who share…
Similar to my consult with Jared, I wonder whether Jerry and I are even comprehensible to a third-party listener. I know it’ll be entertaining; we’ve known each other for almost twenty years, trading thoughts about life et cetera. I kept laughing out loud while editing. However, he’s published big, beautiful games (Atlantis, Hellas), managing money…
I think you’ll find this one interesting. Jared and I have known each other a long time, and in a significant fashion affecting the history of role-playing design. We don’t explain when we talk, we say things and the other gets to process them internally and to decide what to say next. We just take…
I love this quote from The Mountain Witch: “All conflict is a form of combat.” For Justin Nichols’ Kinfolk, the issue is that he’s got a big whole-game arc of whether the invading industrials can be successfully repelled or otherwise stopped by the fey folk … and sure, you can make a chapter structure, and…
Sean Hillman and I met to talk about his game, or proto-game, just notes really, Empire of the Dragon Lotus. For me it’s a callback to about … fifteen years ago, into the hothouse of the Forge and Sean’s participation there. I think his original notes on the game from back then are in one…
Dan and I go way back although we hadn’t met or interacted directly before; he was in at some of the earlier Forge days and has good memories. It’s nice to talk with someone with those. The discussion began here in Compartmentalization/Defecting Luddite and it seemed to him to move best into Consulting, so here…