Adept Play
After I posted our Session 0 beta description… Ron responded with… "It's possible to ruin things by front-loading and world-building, but this is more like what I described than not. It was more talky than I've been recommending, and granted, a little more content via consensus than I prefer, but that latter is a preference…
A bit of GM thought rambling generated by our Session 1 of M-Hero/The Victors (Champs Now beta)… So… first sessions are always awkward for me as a Gm, even when playing with long time partnerns in crime. I still feel stressed and like I'm groping in the dark to have something "stick" that will make…
Talked through our Session 0 (world build character build) in previous post. Had our first game. Storn took great notes throughout. Long post summarizing game play and notes on rules questions, some analysis at the end. Timeline of Champs Now, M-Hero, The Victors. (Notes by Storn during play, edits from Neil afterwards) We…
We have a playgroup that are long time Champs/Hero players. Myself, Storn, Eric, Rick and Joe. (Their personalities and play styles are important to these play-test notes.) I’ve been playing since ’81 first edition, and Storn Cook (who you might know from art he has done for the game) and I have been playing together…