Adept Play
I love spontaneous teamwork that builds off the choreography of the moment. One player is in motion, another participant builds off what has been established without ambiguity or abstraction. A recent game of Hero Wars had such a moment. We are playing with the old module “The Legendary Duck Tower” written by Jennell Jaquays and…
Art by Jennell Jaquays from The Legendary Duck Tower Over the weekend, my spouse (Adrean) and I had some free-time, and we played a one-off of Hero Wars. I already had a character made, a beer drinking Humakti Duck, and Adrean was down to play as Duncan McQuack, Initiate of Humakt. I sat back and…
My spouse and I decided to play Pendragon. We have the 3rd Edition rules, and a few of the supplements; Knights Adventurous, Savage Mountains and The Boy King (1st Edition). We are playing using The Boy King, an 80 Year Arthurian Campaign and Chronology, as the outline for our game. Note: The Boy King requires…
James Nostack asked some questions on the Discord about Mouse Guard. I ran a fairly lengthy campaign about 5 years back, I figured I would share my insights. The questions are copied from the discord, and reformatted for ease of reading. James_Nostack: Mouse Guard is loosely based on Burning Wheel. In that game, there’s a…
The topic of playing in Big Settings has been on my mind. I decided to dig up some 10 year old notes from my favorite Burning Wheel game, which was set in Middle Earth. When we decided to play in Middle Earth, I knew I had to narrow down what sources I was using. I…
I got to play a game of Runequest Glorantha with my spouse (Adrean) last night. We were working through the rules methodically as we learned the game, so there was roughly three or four scenes – I don't have a lot of thoughts yet, but there was this real awesome action scene at the end…