Adept Play
I have been playing Old School Essentials for about a year with four people I know from the punk scene in my city. There is one experienced role-player in the group. The others had some familiarity with D&D fantasy based on video games and pop culture. Our first play experience was a dungeon crawl using…
Last week, I played my 28th session of a game in development called Crescendo with the game designer (Nathan Hicks). The title of the post is taken from a discussion the day after our session. I suggested writing a post about it called “reincorporation is a helluva drug” and Nathan responded by saying: “You just…
There’s an adage in photography that goes “the best camera is the one you have on you.” I had a good experience recently where I could apply this adage to role-playing games. I was with some friends at a local board game pub and after playing a few rounds of a card game, someone asked…
We jump right into the battle between Connie Bleak and Ed Kalvar. Connie spent 83 Karma in this fight. She spent 73 points on inflicting a stun on Ed. This result took him out of the action for ten rounds. Ed was putty at this point. Connie phased Ed’s hand and stuck it in the…
In theory, it is May 12, 2022 (in-game) for The Huntsman, but he is in another dimension, so who is counting? For Connie Bleak, we’ve skipped ahead to May 13, 2022, because that is the day her plans will take place. At the beginning of the session, we talk about how Connie Bleak hasn’t been…
This session started on May 11, 2022 (in-game). It opened up with me describing a panel where Ed Kalvar is contemplating getting back at Connie. He hasn’t sought out her arrest. He wants revenge. Samuel Holt (aka The Huntsman) works a day at the Damage Control job site, cleaning up after another battle between Bugmorph…
Session four started on May 10, 2022 (in-game). We began with Samuel Holt (aka The Huntsman) paying a homeless person to walk around Times Square with a sign asking The Grandmaster (aka Peter King) to contact him. “Grandmaster, call the guy who stole your hard hat.” I made a successful roll for Peter to employ…
The session started on Saturday, May 7, 2022 (in game). Samuel Holt (aka The Huntsman) invited some old college buddies to a pizza place in Brooklyn. For this act, Samuel earned 5 Karma for "Get Together with Friends". Samuel now has 20 Karma. In the background, Ramirez tried to steal The First Responder's souped up red pickup truck…
Noah joined our group recently. James could not make it this session. We decided to a one-on-one session, introducing Noah’s character Connie Bleak (sheet is attached). Connie got out of the prison the day after Samuel Holt (aka The Huntsman). Like The Huntsman, Connie’s character was pregnant with Situation. It was very easy to integrate Connie…