Adept Play
As I burn my midnight oil and avoid the elephant in the room in the United States, an idea for the game/setting/whatever I'm putting together came to my mind. A (sort of) custom character sheet. This sheet is born out of wanting to sort of smash together Circle of Hands with D&D 5th edition for this…
Foreword We’ve arrived at the second to last session for this series of ventures. Things got JUICY! However, players have further dug themselves into their fan favorites despite advising them to branch out. I get the feeling that part of this might be that the group has taken a bit longer to actually really get…
Pre-Post Hello folks, I'm very glad to hear that you're enjoying these write-ups! It occurred to me that I ought to have included some player aliases so that way you all could keep a bit of track of who is who in all this. It also occurs to me as I'm writing this, I have…
Session 2 Location: Western Tamaryon, toward the river at the edge of the map. This portion of the region has been called Falkebrook. Rumors of a massacre make their way to the Circle Knights and the first character shuffle occurs. Only one familiar face in this one, Wulf the fisherman now with a wonderful charm score…
Session 1: Northern Rolke, a traveling Merchant's endeavors. Next component, an enchanted Amboriyon sword in the cliffside crypts, tended to by a priest losing his grip on reality. We begin with Wulf (Fisherman Wizard), Bern (L. Entertainer), Lutz (Priest), and another who regrettably had to leave the session early. They travel a bit north of the…
I’ve found myself diving back into Circle of Hands with a group of friends I had been playing D&D with. My style of artistic preferences leads to a lot of my work looking dark and spooky (although I would argue it’s serene in its own way in some cases). Please enjoy and I’ll be sure…