Adept Play
Ron, KC, and I have completed another episode of play in our Star Trek Adventures campaign, First Response and with it, we have completed our ‘learning STA’ project. This episode was the second part of a two-part episode which ended up first bringing major elements of each of the main characters’ lives into focus and then having…
I had the chance to run an impromptu session using Mythras (d100, formerly RuneQuest 6) with some friends of varying experience with it (none to some) and we found ourselves caught up in an Autumn-shrouded highlands region pursuing a most personal vendetta. The video features commentary and annotations for newcomers, has a quick pace, and…
The Game Star Trek Adventures is a game produced in-house by Modiphius using a specific adaptation of their 2d20 roleplaying system. Other uses of the system adapted for other intellectual properties include but are not limited to Conan, John Carter of Mars, Mutant Chronicles, and the forthcoming Dune. While each iteration of the game bears…
Reporting on this installment has been delayed because although the pilot episode did reach its conclusion with part D, videos and other posts are still being prepared in regard to it. However, as play continued with the first part of the new episode last night, the time has come to post this report. For my…
On Wednesday, December 16th, two of the three of us met online for the third session of the Pilot Episode of the campaign. If you are wondering what is meant by the use of the word campaign in my posts, I mean an ongoing game with a specific organizing principle. Ongoing tends to mean ‘until…
The video of the second session is now available as are reflections videos from me and from Ron. They are, as usual being added to the Star Trek Adventures Actual Play playlist on my channel, as well as on Ron‘s with some appearing on KC‘s. Anthony Ron I will add KC’s below in the comments when…
Background A few weeks ago, Ron and I met online to record a discussion about the word ‘story’ but unfortunately technology let us down. One thing that grew out of having that conversation, however, was the notion that we really should try to carve out a time and choose a game to play together. That…
We were finally able to get back to our Circle of Hands campaign after a ridiculously long hiatus of 13 months. The blame for the delay can be laid solely on the varied demands of my schedule and the limted range of options open due to divergent time zones. This was Eloy’s first time to…
I have been communicating with Sean_RDP / Logan40k about Star Trek Adventures and our experiences with it. Part of that conversation was to agree to post some thoughts about our respective campaigns in a digestible format, so as a starter we have this brief Q&A to broach the topic. What did you do with the…