Adept Play
What is this? Our group has been playing together for a bit. Some for 100+ games, some for 10+ games. We love Call of Cthulhu, “play to find out what happens” games (Apocalypse World derivatives) and GM-less games (Microscope, Fiasco, Desperation). We don’t love scenario-based adventures only, and we tend to play with the GM…
IN SHORT… I sometimes say that “I can play any game, but just not with everyone”. I think that statement applies to SW: Pathfinder for which I am a player in a campaign ran by some old-school players who tend to play the way I used to in the 90s. Crude jokes, PvP à gogo, coarse…
IN SHORT… I had the pleasure of being invited to a session of VersuS, which is in the late stage of design and independent publication by Alexandre Joly (a.k.a. MagnaMagister), a passionate game designer based in France. The game is premised upon a world full of “supers” since the dawn of times — with heroes…
IN SHORT… We are 18 sessions of 4h each into a campaign of Dungeon World that is a bit of a Frankenstein monster: Dungeon World, on a loose Acquisitions Incorporated frame on it, in a world we made up using a map of Faerun without taking the elements of the D&D setting… It has turned in…
IN SHORT… Tristan Lhomme is a well-known RPG name in France from the 80s and 90s. He massively contributed to the popularity of RPGs in the country by publishing excellent reviews, scenarios, supplements. We played one of the CoC scenarios that he wrote, “A quiet village”, and it really was a blast. # # #…
IN SHORT… I have a complex relationship to BitD. It’s the game that made me “rediscover” RPGs after a long hiatus, in a long 20-session campaign that I ran as a GM without having ever played the game as a player… Along the way, I can say that I didn’t always run it as intended,…
IN SHORT… INS / MV was a bit of an iconic game for me. I “missed” it in the 90s when I started playing and was largely consumed by other games. I recently discovered that a 5th edition, with a lighter setting and ruleset than prior editions, had been published in 2015. I decided to…