Adept Play
Well only one tale and a small snippet (or two) of actual play. It happened about a year ago. LukeA was GM, I (Alex) was the Inquisitor and Chris was the Lackey. The Inquisitor approaches the temple steps with the Lackey beside him. He bows his head piously and out of the corner of his…
So this is about the best game I’ve played. It happened in 2009. It had two players, Me and LukeA, we played over the course of ten sessions and each session was between six to eight hours. In terms of discussion I think there are two notable things about it, solving choreography problems and the…
This is about a Monster Hearts game that caused me to quit my group. Although I’m using the actual play to try and have a clearer look at what’s fun about this activity and why it’s confusing to talk about So the group was, Me (playing Amanda), Matthew (Werewolf), Paul (Hollow), Luke (Ghoul), John (GM).…
This was taken from a comment about my views on Glorantha. The bit that excited me about it (Glorantha) was the Hero wars cosmic scale stuff (my memories of the following are a bit bad so forgive me). My character was a Narcissistic black horse troop lieutenant. He ended up being gay, which we decided…