The clay that woke was my second tabletop role-playing experience, my first being a game of sorcerer and sword played a week earlier. One of things that I really enjoyed about the clay that woke was that players represent minotaur’s in an ancient fantastical setting. Another thing that stood out to me was that the players must adhere to silence, a gameplay restriction based on the setting. I think I might enjoy restrictions in my roleplaying because of my wargame/eurogame background. I also have always been down with Minotaur’s since Kaz the minotaur, a dragonlance novel.
During gameplay it was revealed that my minotaur is a philosopher, cook, and gardener to a well to do imperial family.
The GM did an excellent write up of our game that you can read on this site. I’m in agreement with the post and really appreciate him and his partner on running a game for us on Christmas.
If you don’t read the before mentioned write up, this part possibly won’t be understood.
My thoughts on the killing of the guard…
- I informed the guard of the current situation and he still wanted to restrain me, like a robot. I barely convinced him to allow me to talk to the lady of the house and he still followed me
- At the point in our story when the imperial and his wife are talking, my minotaur is feeling that everyone in the house is mad, then the imperial orders the guard to kill his wife
- While the guard at first hesitates, he moves forward with known intent, at which point I rush forward. The guard catches my knife, crushing my hand as he does, then starts to overpower me. I am then asked… what does my character do?
- I blind the guard in one eye with a sneaky punch, and continuing with slamming his head against the wall, repeating with every slam, remember the silence. I am then picked up and power bombed to the ground, I could not physically beat him
By using the “bag building” gameplay mechanics of the game, it was concluded that I had to win the conflict by using my mind. So I appealed to the imperial’s fear, exclaiming that I had a solution to the curse and he stopped the fight. After a little running around the house getting a few items, everyone was pacified, that is when I stabbed the guard. Breaking silence makes a minotaur sees red, and he rampages destroying everything. A minotaur’s rampage might start other minotaur’s to rampage. I would think that the consequence of breaking silence would be taken seriously…and the guard power bombed me. Ps I am going to buy the game and thanks for reading
2 responses to “My experiences in tabletop role-playing game two The Clay that Woke.”
Gaining a name
Hi Rasheed! It's great to see you stepping into role-playing.
I saw in Greg's post that all the player-character minotaurs gained Names in this session. That's a big deal in the setting or fiction.
What is your minotaur's name, now? How do you think he received it, and how does that feel now, looking back at the session?
Yes finally played a few
Yes finally played a few games thanks to your platform. Much appreciated. In terms of the name I think we all received a naming token so I don't have a name yet but… maybe something that means zealot in the culture of the fiction and ends with the letter z