The question being, what is the anchoring procedure for playing Tales of Entropy? When it is so easy to go awash and awry when one’s character twists into what you didn’t anticipate, or when one is now cast as Narrator with no idea of where to go.
Something has to make sense, to begin, to change, and to end. And that is the Grains. Neither “my character” nor “the plot” will work.
This was a particularly blunt session, and both of us spoke freely about play experiences and real people. I edited it pretty hard, to the extent of taking out some interesting points, in order to keep others’ identities out of public scrutiny. If you think you must be the person we’re referring to, you may or may not be, and you probably aren’t because we talked about a lot of games and older experiences. But even if so, it will not be evident to anyone else based on what I left in.
I hope you like the description of my self-image as game publisher in there, as well as the lesson I hope it teaches.