Adept Play
A fantasy game including components Player’s Guide, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide, by James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, and Bruce R. Cordell, published by Wizards of the Coast (a division of Hasbro) in 2014.
I’m currently 72 sessions into a D&D5e campaign I started in March of 2019. It is day 189 for the adventurers. The players are just beginning to reach level 10ish. I have a roadmap for the game out to level 20. Who knows how far we’ll make it or how long this will go on?…
Ron and I were talking on Discord about D&D play culture, especially the contemporary play culture among younger people (people for whom 5e is their first experience really playing and for whom 3.5e would be considered old). Ron suggested that I post about it. For a bit more context, we were talking about the origins…
Over six months, I scoured the internet for West Marches resources. Ultimately, I produced something that could be played with a rotating cast of players in a persistent world using D&D 5e rules. 5e was chosen for its popularity and perceived accessibility. I used strict GM-as-neutral-arbiter style play with little to no punch-pulling. After nine…
As I burn my midnight oil and avoid the elephant in the room in the United States, an idea for the game/setting/whatever I'm putting together came to my mind. A (sort of) custom character sheet. This sheet is born out of wanting to sort of smash together Circle of Hands with D&D 5th edition for this…
This is how I ran these games: (in English) I am going to tell about two linked one-shots; the first was open table, essentially gaming on demand, at a con and I am describing the last of the sessions, while the second session was an online oneshot. The system in use is as described…
The way in which we are playing the game: . Context: Player characters were chasing some bandits, but lost track of them close to the town of Saltmarsh (from a TSR adventure, U1 The sinister secret of Saltmarsh) and the fort of Morgansfort (from a Basic fantasy adventure of the same name at…
I have a few things to say about skills and I think the context of the last few sessions for both of the Chaos Marches groups is relevant. I have more to say about why the dungeon itself is important, and IMHO vitally important to good D&D, but that will be in a different post.…
I am pretty confident these days regarding the strength and utility of my/our ideas expressed at this site, so my Lab notions are shifting from organized curriculum and into “let’s see where we can gte.” In this case, we began with “tell me about your character” and moved on from there. For those who follow…
I have been thinking a bit about situations and Situations of later as well as trying to determine the Stress point for players and perhaps for the game runners too. I had the opportunity to sit down with my 6yo and play through some make-believe of her devising and it brought to light some perspective…