Adept Play
A campaign setting for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edtion by Timothy B. Brown and Troy Denning, published by TSR Inc in 1991.
I’ll lay this out the way I see it and have tried to present it over the past few years. I think the role of textual setting content is clear: it explicitly drives into playing situations, or it doesn’t. (So-called “scenario seeds” typically don’t.) However, one simply cannot tell by reading. Sometimes it seems overly…
Sorry, not those sorts of passions, or at least not much, as we’ve been playing. We’re continuing with my more-or-less faithful extraction of the AD&D 2nd edition Dark Sun, plus a bit of 4E, using The Pool, as described in Dark + Sun + Pool and It always goes to the arena. The six sessions…
The conventions and events of the summer have interfered with my tidy editing and posting habits, but we have indeed continued playing Dark Sun with The Pool, as first discussed in Dark + Sun + Pool. I’m finally getting around to presenting the recordings here. This link goes straight into session 2 in the same…
I am merely typical in dreaming about play in the world of the Dark Sun, as presented as an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition product in 1991. I am aware that it’s been developed by who-knows-who in God-knows-what media, and that all sorts of fandom wikis and whatnot have bloomed in the internet since…