Adept Play
System refers to any and all interactions which result in play, as a dynamic and changing form of fiction. These posts address its features at any scale or purpose of play.
As I burn my midnight oil and avoid the elephant in the room in the United States, an idea for the game/setting/whatever I'm putting together came to my mind. A (sort of) custom character sheet. This sheet is born out of wanting to sort of smash together Circle of Hands with D&D 5th edition for this…
Our Legendary Lives game continues: we’re up to 12 sessions. Session 8 turned out to be the climax of the first arc of the story. To recap the events leading up to it: the Bowmen of Balgravia had managed to set fire to a number of buildings in the city, in an attempt to draw…
A big lab this time on a big topic: failed resolution, of any kind, for any given set of rules. This is no small thing and may rate as the single most undeveloped topic in the entire activity, to date. Before talking about bad, good, constructive, unconstructive, fun, not fun, or any such thing, we…
This is how I ran these games: (in English) I am going to tell about two linked one-shots; the first was open table, essentially gaming on demand, at a con and I am describing the last of the sessions, while the second session was an online oneshot. The system in use is as described…
I posted the Phenomenology presentation in January 2018, as my first Adept Play contribution to thinking about this activity of ours. What you’re seeing there is actually my second version; I’d posted the first to the Patreon back then, and re-shot it following their comments. I’m doing the same again, with an eye toward a…
This session was a lot of fun and the players are getting into it! This game is going very well and teaches me – and the players – a lot.I was waiting to edit the videos of the next sessions, but HD crashed and I’ve lost them, but here’ the account, far from my anxieties…
We’ve since completed Issues #4 and 5 for the Champions Now game. Discussion of the earlier session can be found here. These sessions dealt with the fallout from the capture of the ex-Super Fuzz villains, with the big question being: where are we going to put them so they can’t break out of jail again?…
I just finished GMing my first season/story arc (?) of Sorcerer. I’ve had a lot of experience playing the game, but this was my first successful attempt of actually running it (there were two “didn’t make it past character creation” episodes in my past). There were two players, and we played 21 sessions via video…