Adept Play
This category concerns religion as a feature in the fiction of play. It might be a very direct (“the”) topic, or it may be a significant cultural feature, or anything relevant to what else is happening. A real person’s own beliefs and observances may be presented only if they are relevant to play and if that person is aware of the post or comment.
We’ve packed in three more sessions! So, 17 total. The linked video goes to #15 inside the playlist, and I’ll add the next as I finish editing them. What you’re seeing in these is the considerable expansion of the setting to include the northern subcontinent. We finally bring up ethnic visual topics in the 17th…
I’ve finally realized how regularly people ask me to explain RuneQuest, HeroQuest, the Chaosium, and Glorantha, specifically because they’ve bounced hard off the apparently extensive setting and apprently impenetrably insider-oriented fanbase. It’s usually private, and they often present the question as if it’s their last fatigued try at finding out what “there” is there. After…
We’re two more sessions into the RuneQuest game since the last time, and as I’d feared, the material is demanding a further effort to live up to its tantalizing hints. I find myself creating things, especially cult writeups. One of them was completed for session 6, for the Cult of the Buried Dead, so it’s…
Nothing but crazy talk in this post. For one thing, it’s back to that strange little collection of games about religion. I’ve added their updated forms as attachments if you don’t mind never getting back the hour or two of reading them. For another, the particular game is Daemon Lover which is overflowing with unconstructed…
This is posted as a PSA or didactic point that game design fumbles and bumps its way along, requiring “encounter with the enemy” in order to know what is and isn’t working. Nearly everything you see in the video underwent sandblasting after this discussion, so it’s an exercise in discovery. I hope that makes sense…
A little about our group, because I think it’s pertinent here – we’re all active members of the LDS church, so we’re more than passingly familiar with the source material that Dogs in the Vineyard builds on. We’ve been in a long-running (3 year) D&D game together, but someone wasn’t going to be able to…
It’s the adolescence. Creepy rural fantasy aside, which is working well too, playing the characters as mid-teens is working wonders. This is the second session following RuneQuest 1980: brambly hick coming-of-age fantasy. I’ve attached the file I sent to them before the session, updating my scribbled notes into complete sentences concerning the general cosmology, with…
Just some Sorcerer actual play, right? But pay attention to how a story came to be without a story in place. I’d like you to identify any rules of the game that interest you, regarding how they did or didn’t play into what happened. If you don’t know Sorcerer enough to be specific, then ask…
A couple of months ago, I invited patrons to play Bret Gillan’s game Cold Soldier with me, using my slight re-write of the text (no rules revision; see attached), and to talk about it. Santiago and I did so shortly afterward, via Skype between Sweden and Argentina. The question at hand, based on the points…